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Rolling code transmitter 433,92 MHz, 4 channels, with copy function.

Standard power:    3V DC
Absorption:    12mA
Operating temperature:    -10+55 °C
Number of channels:    4
Codification:    Rolling Code
Modulation:    AM/ASK
Carried frequency:    433.92MHz
Number of combinations:    4.294.967.296
Types of fixed codes clonable:    MANCHESTER,PCM, Max.64bit
Number of bits of the identification code:    32
Number of bits transmitted:    144
Radio for copy:    Yes
Maximum distance in open field:    150m
Battery:    Mod "CR2032" 3V
Maximum dimension product in mm (L x W x H):    38 x 68 x 11
Product weight packed (Kg):    0,04
Number items per pallet/box:    10

Size in cm: Lenght: 8 - Widht: 4 - Heigth: 2

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