By using your account it is possible to access all our technical and sales services directly online.
create your B2B account today where it is possible to make assistance requests, search and download all the sales and technical documentation on our products, participate in training courses and take part in blog discussions related to our solutions.
Accessing the reserved area means being able to obtain:
Sales documentation
Technical documentation
Product photos
Top level customer service
Product discussion forums
Dedicated marketing newsletters
Online product video training
Product knowledge database for problem solving
To access the reserved area just correctly fill out the request form to register with the area, once our sales staff receives your registration request, it will first check it and then securely activate your requested account.
Once your account has been activated, you will receive an email confirming the activation and your user name and password entered during the registration request,
you will be able to directly, easily and at no cost access our reserved B2B area from your computer, notebook, tablet or mobile phone.
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